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Privacy Policy

Ensuring Success Through Consistent Participation

CIC Ontario Secondary School provides online systems and resources for use by students, staff, and teachers through online courses, resources, and training. This includes all materials accessed through any electronic devices or telecommunications network. All CIC policies, procedures, codes of behaviour, and rules apply to the use of online systems and resources provided by or on behalf of CIC.

This Code of Online Conduct protects the rights and safety of all stakeholders. CIC takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of its facilities and information. CIC reserves the right to monitor the use of online resources and learning tools by all who access the systems.

Privacy Information

How We Manage Your Personal Information:

CIC Ontario Secondary School does not automatically gather any personal information from you, such as your name, phone number, email, or address. This information is only obtained if you supply it voluntarily, usually through contacting us via email, subscribing to our newsfeeds, or registering in a secure portion of the site.


If you choose to provide us with personal information—such as in an email or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it through our website—we use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information or service you have requested. We treat emails the same way we treat letters sent to the school. We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide nor do we give it to any private organizations. CIC Ontario Secondary School does not collect information for commercial marketing. Further, we keep the information only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, or one year, whichever is shorter.


Any personal information you provide is managed according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and/or the Education Act. This means that, at the point of collection, you will be informed that your personal information is being collected, the purpose for which it is being collected, and that you have a right of access to the information.

What We Record Automatically:

When you access our website, our servers automatically record information that your browser routinely sends whenever you visit a website. These “server logs” may include information such as your web request, Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request, and one or more Cookies (a “Cookie” is a small file stored on your computer that contains a unique personal identification code) that may uniquely identify your browser. CIC Ontario Secondary School may use this information to monitor network traffic, for statistical purposes, or to identify unauthorized access attempts.


We Will Not Attempt to Identify You Personally:

We will not identify specific users or their browsing activities, except as required by Ontario or Canadian law or if we are compelled to produce this information for a legal proceeding. However, our website does use Cookies to speed navigation, keep track of information, and provide you with custom-tailored content. We also use Cookies to remember information you gave us so you don’t have to re-enter it each time you visit the website. Most browsers are initially set to accept Cookies. If you prefer, you can set your browser to refuse Cookies.


We Cannot Guarantee the Content of Other Sites:

Our websites may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other websites and encourage you to examine each site’s privacy policy and make your own decisions regarding the accuracy, reliability, and correctness of material and information found.

2. Unacceptable Sites and Materials

Collection/Use and Disclosure of Student Personal Information

information Notice:

The information collected during the school registration process is personal information as referred to in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and is collected pursuant to the provisions of the Education Act.

The Education Act sets out the duties and powers of the board and authorizes school boards to collect personal information for the purpose of planning and delivering educational programs and services which best meet students’ needs and for reporting to the Minister of Education as required. It also requires that the school principal maintain an Ontario Student Record (OSR) for each student attending the school. The OSR is a record of a student’s educational progress through school in Ontario and follows students when they transfer schools.

Under the MFIPPA, personal information may be used or disclosed by the school for the purpose for which it was obtained or a consistent purpose (a purpose consistent with the reason collected); to board officers or employees who need access to the information in the performance of their duties if necessary and proper in the discharge of the board’s authorized functions; to comply with legislation, a court order or subpoena, or to aid in a law enforcement investigation conducted by a law enforcement agency; and, in compelling circumstances affecting health or safety (providing notice of the disclosure is sent to the student’s home).

It is our practice to include a notice statement on forms used to collect personal information to advise you how we will use and disclose the information.

The following are routine uses and disclosures of student personal information:

  • The student’s OSR will be used by school and board staff to support the classroom teacher in developing an educational program which best meets the student’s needs. Staff working with the classroom teacher or directly with the student may include individuals working in areas such as Special Education, guidance counselling, student success, etc.

  • Student demographic information and Critical Medical Information will be released to the Student Success team.

  • Phone numbers will be used on emergency telephone lists. Examples include: emergency contact lists.

  • Student information may also be shared with medical responders or the hospital in the case of a medical emergency.

  • Student information may also be shared with the Region of Waterloo Public Health Dept., Waterloo Region Family and Children Services, or as required by law.

  • Information may be used to deal with matters of health and safety or discipline and is required to be disclosed in compelling circumstances or for law enforcement matters or in accordance with any other Act.

  • Student work, including student names, may be displayed in the classroom or in school hallways, or may be shared with the public through science fairs, school and board newsletters, writing/colouring/poster contests, community events, fairs, and similar events/locations outside the school setting.

  • Student accidents that take place during school or on school-sponsored activities will be reported to the principal. Reports include the name of the injured student(s) and details about the incident as well as the name and contact information of witnesses to the accident.

  • Birthday congratulations may be announced over the PA system and/or in the classrooms.

  • Surveillance equipment may be used in schools and on buses to enhance the safety of students and staff, to protect property against theft or vandalism, and to aid in the identification of intruders and of persons who endanger the health, wellbeing, or safety of school community members.

Student Photographs

Will be used for the following purposes only when consent is provided:

  • Student names and/or photographs may be printed in school programs (e.g., commencement or graduation programs, school plays and musical productions, student awards, academic and athletic awards and plaques, school brochures, honour roll, and classroom assignments) and in school yearbooks.

  • Students may be recorded or photographed by their classroom teacher in school or during school activities as part of their educational program.

  • School activities may be reported in school newsletters and on the websites. Individual students will only be photographed and identified with appropriate consents.

  • The media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, may be invited to the school for the purpose of reporting on newsworthy events or activities such as graduations, student achievements/awards, and current events. Their reports may include non-identifying photos of groups of students. Individual students would only be photographed or identified with appropriate consent. Parents/guardians/adult students must be aware that when students participate in extra-curricular or non-compulsory activities on or off school grounds, the school principal is unable to control or prevent any media exposure which may occur.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or how we handle your personal information, please contact us at We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information and will address any issues promptly. Thank you for trusting CIC Ontario Secondary School with your educational journey.

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